New technology for grounds maintenance and tree protection


Lawnmowers and trimmers don’t usually mix well with trees. Unfortunately, mechanical wounds at the base of trees are all too frequent, and if they are repeated on an annual basis, trees wither and some die.

A new technology will soon be competing with traditional lawnmowers. In fact, robotic lawnmowers are increasingly present in our lives, and their rise is only just beginning. A bit like the robotic vacuum cleaners we have in our homes, robotic lawnmowers will be mowing the lawns in our neighborhoods in the years to come.

Now you’re probably wondering: do these mowers also have the potential to create problems with trees? Trees of all sizes increase the complexity of a traditional lawn and are potentially a significant obstacle to conventional and robotic mowers. That said, the risk is much higher with small trees.

In this blog, we’ll take a look at the advantages, disadvantages and solution offered by Urbafor Solutions to optimally protect your trees. First, it’s important to understand that there are two types of robotic mower.

The first is a mower that requires perimeter cables to be laid all around the area to be mowed, and these cables must be connected to a base to recharge the mower once mowing is complete. These cables keep the mower within the mowing area and prevent it from venturing outside. With this type of mower, the larger the area to be covered, the more time-consuming it will be to install the cables. So, if there are trees close to the boundary of the plot, it’s possible to enclose the trees in question so that the mower doesn’t get too close to the base of the tree. However, if the trees are located in the center of the plot, it becomes difficult to protect them.

The second type of robotized mower has no perimeter cables to delimit the terrain. They navigate the terrain using GPS technology and cameras, much like autonomous cars. Unfortunately, technology is not yet effective enough to protect trees properly, and accidents are still all too common.

We’re still several years away from the time when robotized mowers will completely replace traditional ones. With these mowers, human error remains a scourge for trees.

The invention patented by Urbafor Solution Inc. is called Tree Podz. These are protective units that are installed around trees of all sizes to ensure that trees are protected from mowers, trimmers and other weather conditions that constantly inflict injury on trees. The Tree Podz Original also has two segments in the middle for tree stabilization, replacing stakes and turnbuckles. I invite you to visit urbaforsolutions. com to discover our innovative urban forestry products.

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